
Lycée “Maréchal Leclerc” – Alençon

Our tertiary vocational school is situated in a rural and touristic area in Normandy in the north west of France. The main subjects are: selling, commerce, services and care, health and care , management and administration. The 42 teachers also teach foreign languages, ICT, general subjects,etc… The staff also consists in secretaries, a nurse, the work administrator, the chief educator adviser, all together 64 people work at our school.  Our 15 to 18 year-old pupils mostly prepare BTEC first and BTEC National diplomas. The 400 pupils carry out 7 or 8 week- work placements in stores, in companies , in hospitals, schools, retirement homes each year. Few pupils get some training experience abroad, mainly teenagers who study professional English in commerce .Our school was awarded the “Lycée des métiers” label, which is granted to vocational schools which offer trainings leading to coherent jobs; it is a quality label revealing that we work efficiently with firms to improve our trainings at school. It is thanks to this label that we could open a grocery store which sells local produce and where students learn to be  shop-assistants .We’ ve been training our pupils to debate in English with vocational schools from our area for several years. In 2015 , four teenagers were awarded the prize for debating. In 2016, the debate is about trust. Besides, to promote language learning, some students can take the Pet , Cambridge first certificate.

Our school has successfully applied for the Erasmus programme KA1 to send some trainees to Norway and England.  Our students in commerce have worked with a Spanish school in order to sell French goods in Spain.

We are interested in gastronomy tourism as well as tourism for disabled people.

Some pupils work as sales assistants in the school grocery. We work with local farmers and the organisation called Orne Terroirs. We sell organic products made by local producers.

We can cook traditional dishes in our brand new kitchen.

During their work placements some pupils help disabled persons or persons who need help in retirement homes for instance.

The pupils from the”firm class”called SAGA  learn administrative tasks with authentic documents. The management and administration class curriculum match  the 4CsF project ( they can manage phone calls with foreign speakers , write reports on meetings, book equipment….)