

Our school is located in the Anatolian side of İstanbul, 20 km away from  Istanbul  which is visited by many tourists from all over the world. Our  staff members are, 1 principal, 1 assistant director, 38 teachers, 2 secretaries, 5 janitors and 2 consultants. Our school is a full-time school with 480 students who are getting majorly English and German as second foreign languages. Our university entrance exam results are very high among other high schools countrywide. We aren’t only a well-known high school with  our academic successes, but also with our social, cultural and sportive activities. The students are chosen by an important exam after  junior secondary school .The students mostly study Maths and science hard while only few choose literature or social subjects but they also enjoy sportive activities like football, basketball and voleyball. Our sports teams achieved great  success last 4  years.  Playing chess and scrabble at school  allow the students to relax in their  leisure time.  Last year our scrabble team  was the championship  among High Schools in Istanbul Scrabble Tournament.

Our School radio club was established in 2013 and won the award of “Social Media as a platform of education”  in “Good examples to Education” exhibition. Last year our school band has won the first prize in the KALFEST music competition in Istanbul. We have also a Drama Club which performs a play in a theatre every year . The eager and talented students in Drama Club practise very hard after school .

Two  years ago we had an e-twinning project named  ‘A  lovely lively school’.   Our project aimed to students´ social events arranged at schools during a school year. The project compared such events as welcoming new students at school (Admitted students parties), organising balls, students parties, graduation parties, students´ appreciation at the end of a school year, the work or drama classes at schools and setting-up of school bands.

Last  year we carried out a project with a German High school from Dusseldorf. It lasted only one year and started in September. The project is about a fairy tale which consists of both Turkish and German myths. It will be printed in three languages (Turkish-German-English). It isnt an erasmus+ project but it is financed by the German Government.

As a school, we are ready to start a new Erasmus Plus project, which would be a big opportunity for us to widen the scope of our international activities and to get in touch with several schools from different parts of Europe. As a grammar school, we do not run internships programs for our students, but the present project would be a big opportunity for us to introduce the topic of tourism and of tourism related jobs to our students.

Our school is the education coordinator in our school district. This is why we are in a strong position for disseminating the results of our project.  When the project team return from abroad, they will transfer the project experiences to teachers and students in schools in our region. Thus, the project can be used in more than one school, the training in the district will be useful to increase the quality of teaching.

As concerns Quality Assessment, the school has TKY ( total quality management ), for which  we  won a first prize in İstanbul.

We have enough experiences on MUN ( Model United Nations) conferences in Istanbul .This March we are joinining Mun conference in Athens, Greece.